The media landscape has dramatically changed over
the past decade, with traditional media (e.g. newspaper, television) now
supplemented by social media (e.g. blogs, discussion, forums).Over the past
years, new media or social media has given a new shift to the concept and
motives of journalism. This work seeks to explain how this new media and social
media have been beneficial to us and how it has affected the traditional way of
carrying out media and how this media houses have strategized to meet up with
the changing trends of reporting news and media as a whole.
Social media
refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share or
exchange information and ideas in virtual communication and networks. Andreas
Kaplan and Michael Heinlein define social media as a group of internet based
applications that build on ideological and technological foundations and that
allows the creation and exchange of user generated content. This interaction
and sharing and easy communication has been made possible by “NEW MEDIA”.
New media has
enhanced social media effectively. Social media includes Facebook, twitter,
Foursquare, YouTube etc. With all these developments, ordinary people who are
supposed to be traditionally oriented (Radio, TV, and Newspaper) all have
gained access to digital technology and the internet of which they have
subscribed to many social media.
Examples of
some traditional media (television/ radio/ newspaper) often leave the audiences
out of construction of news. The rise of social media in one way or the other
has made journalists out of every individual. This is where we come across the
term “CITIZEN JOURNALIST”. Citizen journalism is also known as public,
participatory, democratic or guerrilla journalism which is based on the society
playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting analysis and
disseminating news and information. New media technology such as networking and
media sharing websites in addition to the increase in prevalence of cellular phones,
have a made citizen journalism more accessible to people worldwide, citizens
can often report breaking news more quickly.
There has been a rise in greater accessibility rate
of news due to their availability of the new media/social media. Because of the
rise in social media, people or audience are able to access news faster and
easier due to social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter. Before one of
those traditional media news outlets would carry a crew to go video the event that had occurred , an
audience with a glance will quickly video it and just share it on the various
social media or networks. Likewise the traditional media or the
mainstream media who would have been at the scene would rather get the second
hand of the news. Audiences are everywhere at any time and at any moment
whatever happens around them as news worthy would be captured faster than the
mainstream media would have done. With all the above points and the
introduction of social media, it is fair to say that the traditional media has
lost its influence on the human society causing its decline. But these
traditional media or mainstream media have not just been watching but recently
have taken strategies to help them meet the current media changes.
It is believed that we are witnessing the emergence
of powerful new voices and networks which can act independently of the traditional
media and the term “the fifth estate” has been developed due to this emergence
of powerful tool which has given voices to people.
Since the Asian Tsunami in the London bombings when
audience footage led the main news bulleting for the first timer the BBC has
invested heavily in the current audience to contribute direct experience in
major events. It establish a well-staffed user generated hub,to process and
authenticated audience material as well as to engage more deeply with audience members to co create
content, write articles and shoot
photos. In average week the team process over 10000 email content, 1000
stills in up 100 videos.
media outlets have gone from their usual way of presenting news to audience by
adding and incorporating social media tools in order to aid their course. Television
outlets, radio and newspaper all have Facebook, twitter, YouTube and others
which they feed with update news on these social media outlets for their
audience to view.
Most media houses now have online service whereby
audience can now view their programmes online with their devices. This has
helped to bring their audience closer. Media houses now engage citizen journalist
by allowing them send in their videos and stories which makes them part of the
news process.
This media
houses have used various methods to meet this media changes. Polls where
readers are asked to make multiple choice or binary response. Message boards
which engage readers on threaded online conversations or database on topics
often initiated by readers. Have your say, audience comments and stories,
question and answers segment, blogs, your media and your story. All this
features have aided this media houses to keep in touch with time.
In a nutshell, new media in relation to social media has
given the world a closer way of getting closer to each other and interacting in
the best possible way, providing people to access news in wider and faster
ways. The Egyptian Riot is an example of
peoples power through social media, which was used to organised and rally
people to become a strong mobile force which ultimately ousted a dictator. (Facebook, twitter). This media houses have noticed the power of
this social media outlets and have now strategized and taken measures to
incorporate them into their work.
Andreas M., Heinlein Michael (2010). "Users of the world, unite! The
challenges and Opportunities of social media". Business Horizons53
(1). p. 67LISTER, M (2009).
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