I had the
opportunity to live in a fishing community called Busua in Takoradi, in the
Western Region of Ghana for a week. Many interesting things got me stuck in
love with the place. However, one usual yet serious practice that I witnessed
throughout was that, children as young as 7yrs went fishing with their parents
and guardians. There was nothing like School for them. When these various parents are asked their
reasons why they allow their kids to stay out of the classroom, they sing the
same chorus but in different pitches. Most of them respond by saying “our
forefathers trained us in this profession”. In other words, “Tradition goeson”.
Child Labor
refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of
their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and
that is mentally, physically, morally and socially dangerous and harmful. This
practice is considered exploitative by many international organizations.
Legislation across the world prohibits Childlabour. Child Labour is an
international problem affecting millions of people and many countries around
the world. ChildLabour and child trafficking shares some vein consequently. In
Ghana, West Africa and other parts Africa, the internal trafficking of children
is one big challenge. It has been recorded by the International LabourOrganisation, that Agriculture is the major employer of Child Labour in Africa.
The problem is severe in sub-saharan African were more than 40% of all children
aged 5-14 labour for survival, or about 48million children. Children have
worked in farms, homes, and the sea over a long history. This is not unique to
Africa, it happened in Europe, America and every other human society throughout
history, prior to 1950s. Scholars suggests that this work, specially in
rural areas, was a form of schooling and
vocational education, where children learned he arts and skills from parents,
and as adults continued to work in the
same hereditary occupation. Child labour to some is a way to instill a sense
of responsibility and a way of life in
children in particularly rural communities.
Whilst Child
labor by both boys and girls takes many forms, the elimination of the Worst
Forms of Child Labor (WFCL) as defined by Article 3 of the International Labor
Organization (ILO) convention No.182 is a priority.
The underlining
cause of childlabour is Poverty. And this was no different in Jamestown Beach.
Here, kids go to sea together with the older fisher folks, the girl child,
apart from going asea, goes to smoke and sell the fish with mother. On an outer
mind, one would ask, how much impact does the child’s strength or presence
bring onto what he has been involved with? Does this act satisfy the motive of
“adding an extra helping hand”. As little as it seems, to them it is
productive. I believe strongly that as
developing continents and Nations rise above their poverty scale, ChildLabour
would naturally reduce, if it doesn’t die off completely. Notwithstanding, as
individuals and organizations we can help out in our little ways. Reach a hand
to the Child who never got what you had when you were like them!